

NWOBHM - アルバムランキング
1. Iron Maiden / IRON MAIDEN (192)
2. The Number of the Beast / IRON MAIDEN (175)
3. Powerslave / IRON MAIDEN (160)
4. Hysteria / DEF LEPPARD (146)
5. Dance of Death / IRON MAIDEN (145)
6. Piece of Mind / IRON MAIDEN (144)
6. Somewhere in Time / IRON MAIDEN (144)
8. Killers / IRON MAIDEN (141)
9. Fear of the Dark / IRON MAIDEN (132)
10. Seventh Son of a Seventh Son / IRON MAIDEN (127)
11. Brave New World / IRON MAIDEN (126)
12. Pyromania / DEF LEPPARD (105)
13. The X Factor / IRON MAIDEN (100)
14. A Matter of Life and Death / IRON MAIDEN (91)
15. Virtual XI / IRON MAIDEN (82)
16. Rock in Rio / IRON MAIDEN (79)
17. A Cry for the New World / PRAYING MANTIS (69)
18. Live After Death / IRON MAIDEN (66)
19. Adrenalize / DEF LEPPARD (65)
20. Black Metal / VENOM (60)
20. No Sleep 'til Hammersmith / MOTORHEAD (60)
22. Slang / DEF LEPPARD (59)
23. Ace of Spades / MOTORHEAD (58)
24. Songs From the Sparkle Lounge / DEF LEPPARD (56)
25. Honour & Blood / TANK (52)
25. Time Tells No Lies / PRAYING MANTIS (52)
27. Euphoria / DEF LEPPARD (48)
28. Spellbound / TYGERS OF PAN TANG (47)
29. Bastards / MOTORHEAD (46)
30. Angel Witch / ANGEL WITCH (43)
30. The Inner Sanctum / SAXON (43)
30. Welcome to Hell / VENOM (43)
33. High 'n' Dry / DEF LEPPARD (40)
33. The Final Frontier / IRON MAIDEN (40)
35. Best of the Beast / IRON MAIDEN (39)
36. Forever in Time / PRAYING MANTIS (38)
36. No Prayer for the Dying / IRON MAIDEN (38)
38. To the Power of Ten / PRAYING MANTIS (37)
39. Lionheart / SAXON (34)
39. Rock You to Hell / GRIM REAPER (34)
41. The Book of Souls / IRON MAIDEN (33)
41. X / DEF LEPPARD (33)
43. Inferno / MOTORHEAD (32)
43. Wiped Out / RAVEN (32)
45. 1916 / MOTORHEAD (31)
45. See You in Hell / GRIM REAPER (31)
47. Wheels of Steel / SAXON (30)
48. Unleash the Beast / SAXON (29)
49. Denim and Leather / SAXON (28)
49. Hot Tonight / LIONHEART (28)
51. Live at Donington / IRON MAIDEN (27)
51. Rough Justice / TYTAN (27)
51. Sanctuary / PRAYING MANTIS (27)
54. Another Perfect Day / MOTORHEAD (26)
55. On Through the Night / DEF LEPPARD (25)
55. The Eagle Has Landed / SAXON (25)
57. Night of the Blade / TOKYO BLADE (24)
58. Destiny / SAXON (23)
58. Killing Ground / SAXON (23)
60. Hit and Run / GIRLSCHOOL (22)
60. Overkill / MOTORHEAD (22)
60. Strong Arm of the Law / SAXON (22)
63. All for One / RAVEN (21)
63. Borrowed Time / DIAMOND HEAD (21)
63. Edward the Great / IRON MAIDEN (21)
63. Filth Hounds of Hades / TANK (21)
63. Forever Free / SAXON (21)
63. Sacrifice / MOTORHEAD (21)
63. Solid Ball of Rock / SAXON (21)
63. We Are Motörhead / MOTORHEAD (21)
71. Dark Star / DARK STAR (20)
71. End of the World / GASKIN (20)
71. Sheer Greed / GIRL (20)
71. White Spirit / WHITE SPIRIT (20)
75. Call to Arms / SAXON (19)
75. Death on the Road / IRON MAIDEN (19)
75. Innocence Is No Excuse / SAXON (19)
75. Never Turn Your Back on a Friend / BUDGIE (19)
75. This Means War / TANK (19)
80. Crusader / SAXON (18)
80. Hammered / MOTORHEAD (18)
80. Into the Labyrinth / SAXON (18)
80. Orgasmatron / MOTORHEAD (18)
80. Rock Until You Drop / RAVEN (18)
85. A Real Live One / IRON MAIDEN (17)
85. Death Penalty / WITCHFINDER GENERAL (17)
85. Rock 'n' Roll / MOTORHEAD (17)
85. Shock Tactics / SAMSON (17)
89. Bomber / MOTORHEAD (16)
89. Burning Ambition / CHARIOT (16)
89. Court in the Act / SATAN (16)
89. Limelight / LIMELIGHT (16)
89. Night of the Demon / DEMON (16)
89. Nothing Exceeds Like Excess / RAVEN (16)
89. Thunderbolt / SAXON (16)
89. Wild on the Run / TOBRUK (16)
97. Canterbury / DIAMOND HEAD (15)
97. Life Sentence / SATAN (15)
97. Out of Reach / BLIND FURY (15)
97. Raising Hell / IRON MAIDEN (15)
97. Saxon / SAXON (15)
102. As Above, So Below / ANGEL WITCH (14)
102. Nowhere to Hide / PRAYING MANTIS (14)
102. Power Games / JAGUAR (14)
102. Predator in Disguise / PRAYING MANTIS (14)
102. Red Sky / SARACEN (14)
102. Rock the Nations / SAXON (14)
102. The Pack is Back / RAVEN (14)
102. The Plague / DEMON (14)
102. Tokyo Blade / TOKYO BLADE (14)
102. Vault: Def Leppard Greatest Hits (1980–1995) / DEF LEPPARD (14)
112. Architect of Fear / RAVEN (13)
112. Crazy Nights / TYGERS OF PAN TANG (13)
112. Fear No Evil / GRIM REAPER (13)
112. Human Remains / HELL (13)
112. Iron Fist / MOTORHEAD (13)
112. Loose 'n Lethal / SAVAGE (13)
112. Sacrifice / SAXON (13)
112. The Rods / THE RODS (13)
112. The White Album / DIAMOND HEAD (13)
112. Wild Dogs / THE RODS (13)
122. Battering Ram / SAXON (12)
122. Demolition / GIRLSCHOOL (12)
122. Dogs of War / SAXON (12)
122. Dominator / CLOVEN HOOF (12)
122. Live at the Inferno / RAVEN (12)
122. Metal Black / VENOM (12)
122. Metalhead / SAXON (12)
122. Motörhead / MOTORHEAD (12)
122. Power of the Hunter / TANK (12)
122. Retro Active / DEF LEPPARD (12)
122. Still at War / TANK (12)
122. Taking the World by Storm / DEMON (12)
122. Tank / TANK (12)
122. The Cage / TYGERS OF PAN TANG (12)
122. The Journey Goes On / PRAYING MANTIS (12)
122. The Wicker Man / IRON MAIDEN (12)
122. Wasted Youth / GIRL (12)
139. A Real Dead One / IRON MAIDEN (11)
139. Captured Alive in Tokyo City / PRAYING MANTIS (11)
139. In for the Kill / BUDGIE (11)
139. Lightning to the Nations / DIAMOND HEAD (11)
139. Play Dirty / GIRLSCHOOL (11)
139. Screaming Blue Murder / GIRLSCHOOL (11)
139. The History of Iron Maiden, Part 1: The Early Days / IRON MAIDEN (11)
139. Wild Cat / TYGERS OF PAN TANG (11)
147. A Time of Changes / BLITZKRIEG (10)
147. Blackhearts & Jaded Spades / TOKYO BLADE (10)
147. Def Leppard / DEF LEPPARD (10)
147. Everything Louder Than Everyone Else / MOTORHEAD (10)
147. Eye of the Sun / CLOVEN HOOF (10)
147. Heavy Metal Thunder—Live: Eagles Over Wacken / SAXON (10)
147. Heroes, Saints & Fools / SARACEN (10)
147. Kiss of Death / MOTORHEAD (10)
147. Overnight Sensation / MOTORHEAD (10)
147. The Nightcomers / HOLOCAUST (10)
147. The Wörld Is Yours / MOTORHEAD (10)
147. War Nation / TANK (10)
159. A Sultan's Ransom / CLOVEN HOOF (9)
159. Atom by Atom / SATAN (9)
159. Bad Magic / MOTORHEAD (9)
159. Budgie / BUDGIE (9)
159. Burn The White Witch - Live In London / ANGEL WITCH (9)
159. Cruel Magic / SATAN (9)
159. David Readman / DAVID READMAN (9)
159. Demorabilia / PRAYING MANTIS (9)
159. Earth Infernal / SATAN (9)
159. Friends of Hell / WITCHFINDER GENERAL (9)
159. March ör Die / MOTORHEAD (9)
159. Power & the Glory / SAXON (9)
159. Screamin' n' Bleedin' / ANGEL WITCH (9)
159. Unearthed - Raiders of the Lost Archives / LIONHEART (9)
159. Unholy Trinity / BLITZKRIEG (9)
159. War Machine / TANK (9)
159. We Stand to Fight / Virtue (9)
176. Cloven Hoof / CLOVEN HOOF (8)
176. Curse and Chapter / HELL (8)
176. Eine Kleine Nachtmusik / VENOM (8)
176. Firedance / SHIVA(80'S) (8)
176. Lords of Sin / Anthems / WITCHFYNDE (8)
176. Marilyn / SARACEN (8)
176. Night of the Blade - The Night Before / TOKYO BLADE (8)
176. Only the Children Cry / PRAYING MANTIS (8)
176. Out of the Silent Planet / IRON MAIDEN (8)
176. Quartz / QUARTZ (8)
176. Shogun / SHOGUN (8)
176. Stagefright / WITCHFYNDE (8)
176. Stand Up and Fight / QUARTZ (8)
176. The Eagle Has Landed II / SAXON (8)
176. The Taker / CHEVY (8)
176. Visions of the Beast / IRON MAIDEN (8)
176. Walking In The Shadows / GRIM REAPER (8)
176. Yeah! / DEF LEPPARD (8)
194. At War With Satan / VENOM (7)
194. Calm Before the Storm / VENOM (7)
194. Everything Louder / RAVEN (7)
194. No Way Out / GASKIN (7)
194. Prime Evil / VENOM (7)
194. Rock Goddess / ROCK GODDESS (7)
194. Snake Bite Love / MOTORHEAD (7)
194. Squawk / BUDGIE (7)
194. The Wreck-Age / TYGERS OF PAN TANG (7)
194. Vengeance / THE RODS (7)
194. Warhead / MORE (7)
205. Adj új erőt / POKOLGEP (6)
205. Aftershock / MOTORHEAD (6)
205. Bandolier / BUDGIE (6)
205. Breakout / DEMON (6)
205. Burn This Town / BATTLEAXE (6)
205. Carpe Diem / SAXON (6)
205. Chained and Desperate / CHATEAUX (6)
205. Death and Progress / DIAMOND HEAD (6)
205. Ed Hunter / IRON MAIDEN (6)
205. Future Warriors / ATOMKRAFT (6)
205. Give 'em Hell / WITCHFYNDE (6)
205. God's Gift / TORANAGA (6)
205. Head On / SAMSON (6)
205. Hyperactive / SAVAGE (6)
205. Impeckable / BUDGIE (6)
205. Inspirations / SAXON (6)
205. Into the Future / Suspended Sentence / SATAN (6)
205. Joint Forces / SAMSON (6)
205. Live at Nottingham Rock City / TYGERS OF PAN TANG (6)
205. Mad / RAVEN (6)
205. Maiden Japan / IRON MAIDEN (6)
205. Metal City / RAVEN (6)
205. No Remorse / MOTORHEAD (6)
205. Possessed / VENOM (6)
205. Power Infusion / TRANCE (6)
205. Power Supply / BUDGIE (6)
205. Right or Wrong / WHITE SPIRIT (6)
205. Rock ’n’ Roll Gypsies / SPIDER (6)
205. Second Nature / LIONHEART (6)
205. Snowblind / SNOWBLIND (6)
205. Sortilège / SORTILEGE (6)
205. Sunset Warriors / Steel Crown (6)
205. Temples of Ice / VENOM (6)
205. The Reality Of Miracles / LIONHEART (6)
205. The Unexpected Guest / DEMON (6)
205. The Warrior / CHARIOT (6)
205. The Waste Lands / VENOM (6)
205. The Witch of Berkeley - Live / A Ⅱ Z (6)
205. Tygers of Pan Tang / TYGERS OF PAN TANG (6)
205. Unbroken / DEMON (6)
205. Unbroken / TOKYO BLADE (6)
205. Valley of Tears / TANK (6)
205. Victory / TRANCE (6)
205. Which Way the Wind Blows / SATANIC RITES (6)
205. Wildest Dreams / IRON MAIDEN (6)
250. ...AD 1980... / LEGEND(80'S PARTⅡ) (5)
250. Angel of Light / ANGEL WITCH (5)
250. Blow-Out / DEMON (5)
250. Chasing the Storm / TROJAN (5)
250. Dark Revolution / TOKYO BLADE (5)
250. Destroy All Monsters - Live in Japan / RAVEN (5)
250. ExtermiNation / RAVEN (5)
250. First Visit / ROGUE MALE (5)
250. Frontal Assault / ANGEL WITCH (5)
250. Greatest Hits Live! / SAXON (5)
250. Hell Hath No Fury / ROCK GODDESS (5)
250. Hold On to the Dream / DEMON (5)
250. Justice: Served! / TYTAN (5)
250. Live '83 / WITCHFINDER GENERAL (5)
250. Maximum Destruction / DESTRUCTOR (5)
250. Metal Anarchy / WARFARE (5)
250. Métamorphose / SORTILEGE (5)
250. Remorse Code / HERITAGE (5)
250. Rock 'n' Roll Gypsies / SAXON (5)
250. Running Wild / GIRLSCHOOL (5)
250. Sacred Blade / SAMURAI (5)
250. Stay Hard / RAVEN (5)
250. Steel n' Chains / SPARTAN WARRIOR (5)
250. Survivors / SAMSON (5)
250. The Mists of Avalon / BLITZKRIEG (5)
250. The Opening Ritual / CLOVEN HOOF (5)
250. Thousand Men Strong / TOKYO BLADE (5)
250. Vox in Excelso / SARACEN (5)
280. All Systems Go / RAVEN (4)
280. Brazil 1996 / IRON MAIDEN (4)
280. Burning in the Shade / TYGERS OF PAN TANG (4)
280. Conductors of Noize / ATOMKRAFT (4)
280. Eddie’s Archive / IRON MAIDEN (4)
280. Ethel The Frog / ETHEL THE FROG (4)
280. Fire in the Brain / OZ (4)
280. Flight 666: The Original Soundtrack / IRON MAIDEN (4)
280. From Here to Eternity / IRON MAIDEN (4)
280. Heart of Our Time / DEMON (4)
280. Heavier Than Air: Rarest Eggs / BUDGIE (4)
280. Larmes de héros / SORTILEGE (4)
280. Let's Stay Together / GIRL (4)
280. Live After Death (DVD) / IRON MAIDEN (4)
280. Live: In the Round, in Your Face / DEF LEPPARD (4)
280. Nightflight / BUDGIE (4)
280. No Remorse / TOKYO BLADE (4)
280. No Sleep at All / MOTORHEAD (4)
280. One for All / RAVEN (4)
280. Power From the Universe / BATTLEAXE (4)
280. Pure Filth / WARFARE (4)
280. Rainmaker / IRON MAIDEN (4)
280. Re-Ignition / TANK (4)
280. Run to the Hills(cd 1) / IRON MAIDEN (4)
280. Run to the Hills(cd 2) / IRON MAIDEN (4)
280. Satan's Serenade : the Quartz Anthology / QUARTZ (4)
280. Suspended Sentence / SATAN (4)
280. TEARS / SACRIFICE(日本) (4)
280. Ten / BLITZKRIEG (4)
280. The Eagle Has Landed III / SAXON (4)
