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LEVIATHANに登録されている13曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 

The Leaf on the Oak of Far, 2.
Tuonela, 2.
Leviathan, 3.
Die Wellen der Zeit, 4.
Aži Dahāka, 5.
Eye of Algol, 6.
Nocturnal Light, 7.
Great Marquis of Hell, 8.
Psalm of Retribution, 9.
El primer sol, 10.
Ten Courts of Diyu, 11.
Eye of Algol (alternative vocals version), 12.
Tuonela (full Marco vocals version), 12.
Tuonela (alternative vocals version), 13.
Tuonela (instrumental version), 13.
Tuonela (orchestral version)