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The Greatest Hits (1991年)
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登録されている4曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Magical Mystery Tour, 1. Magical Mystery Tour, 1. Dream Police, 1. Dream Police, 1. Don’t Be Cruel, 1. Don’t Be Cruel, 1. Tonight It’s You, 1. Tonight It’s You, 1. She’s Tight, 1. She’s Tight, 2. I Want You to Want Me (live), 2. I Want You to Want Me (live), 2. If You Want My Love, 2. If You Want My Love, 2. Ain’t That a Shame (live), 2. Ain’t That a Shame (live), 2. Surrender, 2. Surrender, 3. The Flame, 3. The Flame, 4. I Can’t Take It, 4. I Can’t Take It, 4. Can’t Stop Fallin’ Into Love, 4. Can’t Stop Fallin’ Into Love, 4. Voices, 4. Voices