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Mercury High: The Story of Ian Gillan (2004年)
1-1. Driving Me Wild (Fast Take) (0)
1-2. Music in My Head (0)
1-3. You Make Me Feel So Good (0)
1-4. You Led My Heart Astray (0)
1-5. Clear Air Turbulence (0)
1-6. Money Lender (0)
1-7. Over the Hill (0)
1-8. Scarabus (0)
1-9. Twin Exhausted (0)
1-10. Mercury High (0)
1-11. Slags to Bitches (0)
1-12. Mad Elaine (0)
1-13. My Baby Loves Me (0)
1-14. That's Why God Is Singing the Blues (feat. The London Symphony Orchestra) (live) (0)
2-1. She Took My Breath Away (0)
2-2. I Can't Dance to That (0)
2-3. Can't Believe You Wanna Leave (0)
2-4. Lonely Avenue (0)
2-5. Telephone Box (0)
2-6. Gut Reaction (0)
2-7. No Good Luck (0)
2-8. Nothing but the Best (0)
2-9. Loving on Borrowed Time (0)
2-10. No More Cane on the Brazos (0)
2-11. Hang Me Out to Dry (0)
2-12. Toolbox (0)
2-13. Candy Horizon (0)
2-14. Don't Hold Me Back (0)
2-15. Pictures of Hell (0)
2-16. Via Miami (live) (0)


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登録されている3曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Driving Me Wild (Fast Take), 1. Music in My Head, 1. You Make Me Feel So Good, 1. You Led My Heart Astray, 1. Clear Air Turbulence, 1. Money Lender, 2. Over the Hill, 2. Scarabus, 2. Twin Exhausted, 2. Mercury High, 2. Slags to Bitches, 2. Mad Elaine, 2. My Baby Loves Me, 2. That's Why God Is Singing the Blues (feat. The London Symphony Orchestra) (live), 2. She Took My Breath Away, 2. I Can't Dance to That, 2. Can't Believe You Wanna Leave, 2. Lonely Avenue, 2. Telephone Box, 2. Gut Reaction, 2. No Good Luck, 2. Nothing but the Best, 2. Loving on Borrowed Time, 2. No More Cane on the Brazos, 2. Hang Me Out to Dry, 2. Toolbox, 2. Candy Horizon, 2. Don't Hold Me Back, 2. Pictures of Hell, 3. Via Miami (live)




