
80年代 | A | アメリカ | ギターヒーロー | テクニカル | ネオクラシカルメタル | ポップ/キャッチー | メロディック | ロックンロール | 正統派 | 有名バンド | 様式美
The Ultimate Fortress Rock Set (1989年)
1-1. Island in the Sun (0)
1-2. General Hospital (0)
1-3. Jet to Jet (0)
1-4. Hiroshima Mon Amour (0)
1-5. Kree Nakoorie (0)
1-6. Incubus (0)
1-7. Too Young to Die, Too Drunk to Live (0)
1-8. Big Foot (0)
1-9. Starcarr Lane (0)
1-10. Suffer Me (0)
1-11. Kree Nakoorie (0)
1-12. Starcarr Lane (0)
1-13. Island in the Sun (0)
1-14. Big Foot (0)
1-15. Hiroshima Mon Amour (0)
1-16. General Hospital (0)
1-17. Incubus (0)
1-18. Suffer Me (0)
1-19. Too Young to Die, Too Drunk to Live (0)
1-20. Jet to Jet (0)
2-1. Too Young to Die, Too Drunk to Live (0)
2-2. Hiroshima Mon Amour (0)
2-3. Night Games (0)
2-4. Big Foot (0)
2-5. Island in the Sun (0)
2-6. Kree Nakoorie (0)
2-7. Coming Bach (0)
2-8. Since You've Been Gone (0)
2-9. Suffer Me (0)
2-10. Desert Song (0)
2-11. Evil Eye (0)
2-12. Guitar Crash (0)
2-13. All Night Long (0)
2-14. Lost in Hollywood (0)
2-15. KoJo No Tsuki (0)
2-16. Somethin' Else (0)
3-1. God Blessed Video (0)
3-2. Mercy (0)
3-3. Will You Be Home Tonight (0)
3-4. Wire and Wood (0)
3-5. Desert Diamond (0)
3-6. Stripper (0)
3-7. Painted Lover (0)
3-8. Lighter Shade of Green (0)
3-9. Sons and Lovers (0)
3-10. Skyfire (0)
3-11. Breaking the Heart of the City (0)
3-12. Glass Mountain (0)
3-13. Red Rum (0)
3-14. Alcatrazz Interview From 1983 (0)
4-1. It's My Life (0)
4-2. Undercover (0)
4-3. That Ain't Nothin' (0)
4-4. No Imagination (0)
4-5. Ohayo Tokyo (0)
4-6. Dangerous Games (0)
4-7. Blue Boar (0)
4-8. Only One Woman (0)
4-9. Witchwood (0)
4-10. Double Man (0)
4-11. Night of the Shooting Star (0)
4-12. All Night Long (0)
4-13. The Badger (0)
4-14. The Piper at the Gates of Dawn (0)
5-1. Too Young to Die, Too Drunk to Live (0)
5-2. General Hospital (0)
5-3. Kree Nakorie (0)
5-4. Island in the Sun (0)
5-5. Evil Eye (0)
5-6. Since You Been Gone (0)
5-7. Hiroshima Me Amour (0)
5-8. Suffer Me (0)
5-9. Desert Song (0)
5-10. Jet to Jet (0)
5-11. All Night Long (0)
5-12. Love's No Friend (0)
5-13. Since You've Been Gone (0)
5-14. Suffer Me (0)
5-15. Night Games (0)
5-16. Lost in Hollywood (0)


"The Ultimate Fortress Rock Set" を YouTubeで検索 | Amazonで検索 | googleで検索 | Youtube Musicで検索

登録されている16曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Island in the Sun, 1. General Hospital, 1. Jet to Jet, 1. Hiroshima Mon Amour, 1. Kree Nakoorie, 2. Incubus, 2. Too Young to Die, Too Drunk to Live, 2. Big Foot, 2. Starcarr Lane, 2. Suffer Me, 2. Kree Nakoorie, 2. Starcarr Lane, 2. Island in the Sun, 2. Big Foot, 2. Hiroshima Mon Amour, 2. General Hospital, 2. Incubus, 2. Suffer Me, 2. Too Young to Die, Too Drunk to Live, 2. Jet to Jet, 2. Too Young to Die, Too Drunk to Live, 2. Hiroshima Mon Amour, 2. Night Games, 2. Big Foot, 2. Island in the Sun, 2. Kree Nakoorie, 2. Since You've Been Gone, 2. Suffer Me, 2. Desert Song, 2. Evil Eye, 3. Guitar Crash, 3. All Night Long, 3. Lost in Hollywood, 4. KoJo No Tsuki, 5. Somethin' Else, 5. God Blessed Video, 5. Mercy, 5. Will You Be Home Tonight, 5. Wire and Wood, 5. Desert Diamond, 6. Stripper, 6. Painted Lover, 7. Lighter Shade of Green, 8. Sons and Lovers, 8. Skyfire, 9. Breaking the Heart of the City, 10. Glass Mountain, ....


Recent 20 Comments

1. 正直者 ★★★ (2018-05-30 22:02:41)
5CD+DVDがセットになったお得な商品。輸入盤だが定価でも8000円程度のお値打ちなBOXセットだった。3枚のスタジオ盤にライブ盤と既にリリース済みのものなのだが、デモ音源や入手困難なモノなどをボーナストラックが激熱なのが嬉しい。DVDも84年1月中野サンプラザ公演と84年10月東京厚生年金記念館公演に「Rock Palace」放送映像3曲とPV3曲、そして83年日本TV用インタビューときたもんだ。

Live '83買った後なんでお得感は減ったが、それでもファンなら絶対に買った方がいいよ。
Live Sentenceもギタークラッシュや荒城の月をカヴァーした完全盤の方してますぜ!




