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2007-05-05: Tavastia Klubi, Helsinki, Finland (2007年)
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登録されている8曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. State of Grace, 2. Let Me Feel Your Power, 2. Motorcycle Man, 2. If I Was You, 2. Strong Arm of the Law, 3. Dogs of War, 4. 20,000 ft., 4. Travellers in Time, 5. Solid Ball of Rock, 5. Power and the Glory, 6. To Hell and Back Again, 6. Red Star Falling, 6. Princess of the Night, 6. Crusader, 7. I've Got to Rock (To Stay Alive), 7. Atila the Hun, 7. Witchfinder General, 7. 747 (Strangers in the Night), 7. And the Bands Played On, 8. [Guitar Solo], 8. Wheels of Steel, 8. Heavy Metal Thunder, 8. Denim and Leather, 8. Ashes to Ashes