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One Night in Tokyo (2016年)
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登録されている9曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Intro: A Journey Through Time, 2. X, 2. Healing, 2. Union, 2. The Fall, 2. Lie to Me, 3. Wish and Steadiness, 4. Legend, 4. Under the Flag of Mary Read, 5. The Scars That You Can’t See, 6. Eternity, 7. Mr. Sin, 8. Leonardo da Vinci, 8. Lady of Silence, 9. Dance With the Devil, 9. Lie to Me, 9. Intro: A Journey Through Time, 9. X, 9. Healing, 9. Union, 9. The Fall, 9. Lie to Me, 9. Wish and Steadiness, 9. Legend, 9. Under the Flag of Mary Read, 9. The Scars That You Can’t See, 9. Eternity, 9. Mr. Sin, 9. Leonardo da Vinci, 9. Lady of Silence, 9. Dance With the Devil