
The Nursery / Sunless / Songs and Dances of Death (2003年)
1. Where Are You, Little Star? (0)
2. Darling Savishna (0)
3. The Nursery: I. With Nanny (0)
4. The Nursery: II. In the Corner (0)
5. The Nursery: III. The Beetle (0)
6. The Nursery: IV. With the Doll (0)
7. The Nursery: V. At Bedtime (0)
8. The Nursery: VI. The Hobby-Horse (0)
9. The Nursery: VII. The Cat 'Sailor' (0)
10. Lullaby (0)
11. Sunless: I. Within Four Walls (0)
12. Sunless: II. You Did Not See Me in the Crowd (0)
13. Sunless: III. An End to the Futile, Hectic Day (0)
14. Sunless: IV. Ennui (0)
15. Sunless: V. Elegy (0)
16. Sunless: VI. On the River (0)
17. King Saul (0)
18. Hopak (0)
19. The Wild Winds Blow (0)
20. Songs and Dances of Death: III. Trepak (0)
21. Songs and Dances of Death: I. Lullaby (0)
22. Songs and Dances of Death: II. Serenade (0)
23. Songs and Dances of Death: IV. The Field Marshall (0)
24. Mephistopheles' Song of the Flea (0)


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登録されている5曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Where Are You, Little Star?, 2. Darling Savishna, 2. The Nursery: I. With Nanny, 2. The Nursery: II. In the Corner, 2. The Nursery: III. The Beetle, 2. The Nursery: IV. With the Doll, 2. The Nursery: V. At Bedtime, 2. The Nursery: VI. The Hobby-Horse, 2. The Nursery: VII. The Cat 'Sailor', 2. Lullaby, 2. Sunless: I. Within Four Walls, 2. Sunless: II. You Did Not See Me in the Crowd, 2. Sunless: III. An End to the Futile, Hectic Day, 2. Sunless: IV. Ennui, 2. Sunless: V. Elegy, 2. Sunless: VI. On the River, 2. King Saul, 2. Hopak, 2. The Wild Winds Blow, 2. Songs and Dances of Death: III. Trepak, 3. Songs and Dances of Death: I. Lullaby, 3. Songs and Dances of Death: II. Serenade, 4. Songs and Dances of Death: IV. The Field Marshall, 5. Mephistopheles' Song of the Flea




