
Mussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition / Tchaikovsky: The Seasons (2001年)
1-1. Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade - Gnomus (0)
1-2. Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade - Il vechio Castello (The Old Castle) (0)
1-3. Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade - Tuileries (0)
1-4. Pictures at an Exhibition: Bydlo (0)
1-5. Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade - Ballet of the Unhatched Chicken (0)
1-6. Pictures at an Exhibition: Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuÿle (0)
1-7. Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade - Marketplace at Limoges (0)
1-8. Pictures at an Exhibition: Catacombæ: Sepulcrum romanum - Con mortuis in lingua mortua (0)
1-9. Pictures at an Exhibition: Baba Yaga (The Hut on Fowl's Legs) (0)
1-10. Pictures at an Exhibition: The Great Gate of Kiev (0)
1-11. Etude tableau in G minor, op. 33 no.7 (0)
1-12. Prelude in G sharp minor, op. 32 no.12 (0)
1-13. Elégie, in E-flat minor, op. 3 no.1 (0)
1-14. Prelude in D major, op. 23 no.4 (0)
1-15. Etude tableau in E-flat major, op. 33 no.6 (0)
2-1. The Seasons, op. 37b: I. January "By the Fireside" (0)
2-2. The Seasons, op. 37b: II. February "Shrovetide Festival" (0)
2-3. The Seasons, op. 37b: III. March "Song of the Lark" (0)
2-4. The Seasons, op. 37b: IV. April "Snowdrop" (0)
2-5. The Seasons, op. 37b: V. May "White Nights" (0)
2-6. The Seasons, op. 37b: VI. June "Barcarolle" (0)
2-7. The Seasons, op. 37b: VII. July "Song of the Reaper" (0)
2-8. The Seasons, op. 37b: VIII. August "Harvest" (0)
2-9. The Seasons, op. 37b: IX. September "The Hunt" (0)
2-10. The Seasons, op. 37b: X. October "Autumn Song" (0)
2-11. The Seasons, op. 37b: XI. November "Troika" (0)
2-12. The Seasons, op. 37b: XII. December "Yule-tide" (0)
2-13. Valse in F-sharp minor (0)
2-14. Mazurka no. 7 in E-flat minor (0)
2-15. Dumka, in C minor, op. 59 (0)
2-16. Mazurka in E-flat major (0)
2-17. Mazurka in C-sharp minor (0)


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登録されている14曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade - Gnomus, 1. Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade - Il vechio Castello (The Old Castle), 1. Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade - Tuileries, 1. Pictures at an Exhibition: Bydlo, 1. Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade - Ballet of the Unhatched Chicken, 1. Pictures at an Exhibition: Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuÿle, 1. Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade - Marketplace at Limoges, 1. Pictures at an Exhibition: Catacombæ: Sepulcrum romanum - Con mortuis in lingua mortua, 2. Pictures at an Exhibition: Baba Yaga (The Hut on Fowl's Legs), 2. Pictures at an Exhibition: The Great Gate of Kiev, 3. Etude tableau in G minor, op. 33 no.7, 4. Prelude in G sharp minor, op. 32 no.12, 5. Elégie, in E-flat minor, op. 3 no.1, 6. Prelude in D major, op. 23 no.4, 6. Etude tableau in E-flat major, op. 33 no.6, 6. The Seasons, op. 37b: I. January "By the Fireside", 6. The Seasons, op. 37b: II. February "Shrovetide Festival", 7. The Seasons, op. 37b: III. March "Song of the Lark", 7. The Seasons, op. 37b: IV. April "Snowdrop", 7. The Seasons, op. 37b: V. May "White Nights", 8. The Seasons, op. 37b: VI. June "Barcarolle", 8. The Seasons, op. 37b: VII. July "Song of the Reaper", 8. The Seasons, op. 37b: VIII. August "Harvest", 8. The Seasons, op. 37b: IX. September "The Hunt", 9. The Seasons, op. 37b: X. October "Autumn Song", 9. The Seasons, op. 37b: XI. November "Troika", 10. The Seasons, op. 37b: XII. December "Yule-tide", ....




