Mussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition / Respighi: Pines of Rome / Fountains of Rome (1993年)
"Mussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition / Respighi: Pines of Rome / Fountains of Rome" を YouTubeで検索 | Amazonで検索 | googleで検索 | Youtube Musicで検索
登録されている2曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade, 1. Pictures at an Exhibition: Gnomus, 1. Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade, 1. Pictures at an Exhibition: Il Vecchio Castello, 1. Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade, 1. Pictures at an Exhibition: Tuileries, 1. Pictures at an Exhibition: Bydlo, 1. Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade, 1. Pictures at an Exhibition: Ballet of the Chicks in Their Shells, 1. Pictures at an Exhibition: Samuel Goldenburg and Schmuyle, 1. Pictures at an Exhibition: The Marketplace at Limoges, 1. Pictures at an Exhibition: Catacombae, sepulchrum romanum, 1. Pictures at an Exhibition: Con mortuis in lingua mortua, 1. Pictures at an Exhibition: The Hut on Fowl's Legs, 1. Pictures at an Exhibition: The Great Gate at Kiev, 2. Pini di Roma: I. I Pini di Villa Borghese, 2. Pini di Roma: II. Pini presso una catacomba, 2. Pini di Roma: III. I Pini del Gianicolo, 2. Pini di Roma: IV. I Pini della Via Appia, 2. Fontane di Roma: I. La fontana di Valle Giulia all'alba, 2. Fontane di Roma: II. La fontana del Tritone al mattino, 2. Fontane di Roma: III. La fontana di Trevi al meriggio, 2. Fontane di Roma: IV. La fontana di Villa Medici al tramonto