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Live Apocalypse (2006年)
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登録されている8曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Tear Down the Walls, 1. Enemy Within, 1. Silent Wars, 1. Burning Angel, 1. Dead Eyes See No Future, 1. Dead Bury Their Dead, 2. [drum solo], 3. Instinct, 4. Savage Messiah, 4. First Deadly Sin, 5. [crowd cheering], 5. The Immortal, 5. Bridge of Destiny, 5. We Will Rise, 5. Heart of Darkness, 5. Snowbound, 5. Ravenous, 5. Fields of Desolation (outro), 6. End Credits, 6. Nemesis, 7. My Apocaypse, 8. Skeleton Dance, 8. [crowd cheering], 8. Ravenous, 8. We Will Rise, 8. Nemesis, 8. My Apocalypse, 8. Dead Eyes See No Future, 8. Bury Me an Angel, 8. Heart of Darkness