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Gods of War Live (2007年)
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登録されている4曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Manowar, 1. Call to Arms, 1. Gloves of Metal, 1. Each Dawn I Die, 2. Holy War, 2. Mountains, 2. The Oath, 2. Secret of Steel, 3. Son of William's Tale, 3. The Gods Made Heavy Metal, 3. Die for Metal, 3. Kings of Metal, 3. Warriors of the World United, 3. Black Wind, Fire and Steel, 4. The Blood of Odin, 4. The Sons of Odin, 4. Glory Majesty Unity, 4. Gods of War, 4. Army of the Dead, 4. Odin, 4. Hymn of the Immortal Warriors, 4. The Crown and the Ring
Recent 20 Comments
1. Braveforce ★★ (2007-07-04 23:19:00)
7月9日発売のライブ盤。2枚組で「GODS OF WAR」の曲をいかにして再現してくれるのか楽しみだ。