ノイズ/アヴァンギャルド | プログレッシブロックKLAUS SCHULZE
The Dark Side of the Moog IV (1996年)
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登録されている2曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Three Pipers at the Gates of Dawn, Part I, 1. Three Pipers at the Gates of Dawn, Part II, 2. Three Pipers at the Gates of Dawn, Part III, 2. Three Pipers at the Gates of Dawn, Part IV, 2. Three Pipers at the Gates of Dawn, Part V, 2. Three Pipers at the Gates of Dawn, Part VI, 2. Three Pipers at the Gates of Dawn, Part VII, 2. Three Pipers at the Gates of Dawn, Part VIII, 2. Three Pipers at the Gates of Dawn, Part IX