AVANTGARDE MUSIC | D | OSMOSE PRODUCTIONS | ゴシックメタル | シンフォニック/シアトリカル | シンフォニック・ブラック | ドラマティック | ネオクラシカルメタル | ブラックメタル | プログレッシヴ | メロディック | メロディックデス | 叙情/哀愁 | 神話/神秘 | 北欧DIABOLICAL MASQUERADE
Death's Design (2001年)
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登録されている24曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. 1st Movement: Nerves in Rush, 2. 1st Movement: Death Ascends: The Hunt, Part I, 3. 1st Movement: You Can't Hide Forever, 4. 1st Movement: Right on Time for Murder: The Hunt, Part II, 5. 2nd Movement: A Different Plane, 5. 2nd Movement: Invisible to Us, 6. 2nd Movement: The One Who Hides a Face Inside, 7. 3rd Movement: ...and Don't Ever Listen to What It Says, 7. 3rd Movement: Revelation of the Puzzle, 7. 3rd Movement: Human Prophecy, 7. 3rd Movement: Where the Suffering Leads, 7. 4th Movement: The Remains of Galactic Expulsions, 8. 4th Movement: With Panic in the Heart, 8. 4th Movement: Out from the Dark, 8. 4th Movement: Still Coming at You, 8. 4th Movement: Out from a Deeper Dark, 9. 5th Movement: Spinning Back the Clocks, 10. 6th Movement: Soaring Over Dead Rooms, ....