Carmina Burana (Atlanta Symphony Orchestra and Chorus feat. conductor: Donald Runnicles) (2001年)
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登録されている4曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi (Fortune, Empress of the World): Fortune plango vulnera, 1. I. Primo vere (Springtime): Veris leta facies, 2. I. Primo vere (Springtime): Omnia sol temperat, 3. I. Primo vere (Springtime): Ecce gratum, 3. Uf dem anger (In the Meadow): Tanz, 3. Uf dem anger (In the Meadow): Floret silva nobilis, 3. Uf dem anger (In the Meadow): Chramer, gip die varwe mir, 4. Uf dem anger (In the Meadow): Reie and Songs, 4. Uf dem anger (In the Meadow): Were diu werlt alle min, 4. II. In taberna (In the Tavern): Estuans interius, 4. II. In taberna (In the Tavern): Olim lacus colueram, 4. II. In taberna (In the Tavern): Ego sum abbas, 4. II. In taberna (In the Tavern): In taberna quando sumus, 4. III. Cour d'amours (The Court of Love): Amor volat undique, 4. III. Cour d'amours (The Court of Love): Dies, nox et omnia, 4. III. Cour d'amours (The Court of Love): Stetit puella, 4. III. Cour d'amours (The Court of Love): Circa mea pectora, 4. III. Cour d'amours (The Court of Love): Si puer cum puellula, 4. III. Cour d'amours (The Court of Love): Veni, veni, venias, 4. III. Cour d'amours (The Court of Love): In trutina, 4. III. Cour d'amours (The Court of Love): Tempus est iocundum, 4. III. Cour d'amours (The Court of Love): Dulcissime, 4. Blanziflor et Helena (Blanziflor and Helena): Ave formosissima, 4. Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi (Fortune, Empress of the World): O Fortuna