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BRING 'EM BACH ALIVE!に登録されている18曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Rock 'n' Roll, 2.
Done Bleeding, 3.
Superjerk, Superstar, Supertears, 4.
Blasphemer, 5.
Counterpunch, 6.
Slave to the Grind, 7.
Frozen, 8.
18 and Life, 9.
Beat Yourself Blind, 10.
Riot Act, 11.
Mudkicker, 12.
In a Darkened Room, 12.
Monkey Business / Godzilla, 13.
The Most Powerful Man in the World, 14.
I Remember You, 15.
Youth Gone Wild, 16.
Here I Am, 17.
Sweet Little Sister, 18.
Get the Fuck Out, 18.
Superjerk,superstar,supertears,, 18.
Counterpunch, 18.
Done Bleeding, 18.
Rock N Roll, 18.
Slave to the Grind