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A FAR OUT DISCに登録されている15曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
A Far Out Theme Tune, 2.
She Goes to Finos, 3.
Razzmatazz Intro, 4.
Modern Schools of Motoring, 5.
Carol Dodds is Pregnant, 6.
You and a Box of Handkerchiefs, 7.
Bless You My Son, 8.
My Girlfriend's Dad's a Vicar, 9.
Come Back Jackie, 10.
Do You Want to Finish... Or What?!, 11.
Commercial Break, 12.
Chartbuster / Razzmatazz (outro), 13.
We're Mad, 14.
Wipe Out, 15.
Florence Is Deaf (But There's No Need to Shout), 15.
A Far Out Theme Tune