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INFERNOに登録されている18曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 

Before the Closing of the Day, 2.
The Spirit of Virgil, 3.
Minotaurae Hunt at Dawn, 4.
Those Once Broke the First Word, 5.
Dante in Despair, 6.
Io Non Mori, 7.
Vidri Tre Facce, 8.
At the Deepest Point in Space, 9.
L'omperador Del Dolorosa Regno, 10.
Voices in a Starless Night, 11.
Fear and Longing, 12.
Fallen for Death, 13.
Where All Light Went Silent, 14.
Charon, Il Barchere, 15.
La Grey De Los Almas Perdidas, 16.
Justice of the Karma Law, 17.
As the Sun Moves Towards Heaven, 18.
Beatrice, L'âme infinie