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POWER QUESTに登録されている33曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 1.
Far Away, 2.
Neverworld (Power Quest, Part II), 3.
Temple of Fire, 4.
Wings of Forever, 5.
Sacred Land, 6.
Glory Tonight, 7.
Find My Heaven, 8.
Beyond the Stars, 9.
Galaxies Unknown, 10.
Diamond Sky, 11.
Power Quest, Part I, 12.
Into the Light, 13.
When I'm Gone, 14.
Freedom of Thought, 15.
Strike Force, 16.
For Evermore, 17.
Find the Way to the Top, 18.
Cemetery Gates, 19.
Children of the Dream, 20.
Magic Never Dies, ....