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THE LETHAL COLLECTIONに登録されている29曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 

Poppy seed Cake, 2.
Mysterious Wine, 3.
Flying Shit in the Outer Space, 4.
Gas from Ass, 5.
After Accident (Part II), 6.
No Pate, No Mind, 7.
He Makes Shit Who Makes Shit Last, 8.
Death by the Master-Key, 9.
We Arle All Polish, 10.
Where is General?, 11.
Uncontorallable Flatulence, 12.
From the Anatomical Deeps, 13.
Life of a Surgeon, 14.
Her Heart in Your Hands, 15.
The Firing Ground, 16.
Total Dismemberment of a Female Corpse, 17.
Raping Earth, 17.
D.I., 18.
Clean the Scene, 19.
Slithering Maceration of Ulcerous Facial Tissue, 20.
Stayin' Alive, ....