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NOSTRADAMEUSに登録されている19曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 1.
Out of This World, 2.
One for All, All for One, 3.
The Vision, 4.
Master of the Night, 5.
The Crown's Inn, 6.
Hymn to Theese Lands, 7.
Brother in Chains, 8.
In Harmony, 9.
The Future Will Show, 10.
The Escape, 11.
Far Too Strong, 12.
Without Your Love, 13.
Nightmare Prophecy, 14.
Randall Flag, 15.
The Power's in Your Hand, 16.
Black Fate, 17.
Evil Poriphecies, 18.
In Prison, 19.
If We Believe (in Our Dreams)