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BEDTIME FOR DEMOCRACYに登録されている21曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Take This Job and Shove It, 2.
Hop With the Jet Set, 3.
Dear Abby, 4.
Rambozo the Clown, 5.
Fleshdunce, 6.
The Great Wall, 7.
Shrink, 8.
Triumph of the Swill, 9.
Macho Insecurity, 10.
I Spy, 11.
Cesspools in Eden, 12.
One-Way Ticket to Pluto, 13.
Do the Slag, 14.
A Commercial, 15.
Gone With My Wind, 16.
Anarchy for Sale, 17.
Chickenshit Conformist, 18.
Where Do Ya Draw the Line, 19.
Potshot Heard Round the World, 20.
D.M.S.O., ....