EVE 6 / HOROSCOPE (????年)
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EVE 6 / HOROSCOPEに登録されている23曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 

How Much Longer, 2.
Inside Out, 3.
Leech, 4.
Showerhead, 5.
Open Road Song, 6.
Jesus Nitelite, 7.
Superhero Girl, 8.
Tongue Tied, 9.
Saturday Night, 10.
There's a Face, 11.
Small Town Trap, 12.
Rescue, 13.
Promise, 14.
On the Roof Again, 15.
Sunset Strip Bitch, 16.
Here's to the Night, 17.
Amphetamines, 18.
Enemy, 19.
Nocturnal, 20.
Jet Pack, ....