80年代 | 90年代 | NWOBHM | T | スラッシュメタル | パワーメタル | ブリテン | ロックンロール | 叙情/哀愁 | 正統派TANK
The Filth Hounds of Hades: Dogs of War, 1981–2002 (2007年)
"The Filth Hounds of Hades: Dogs of War, 1981–2002" を YouTubeで検索 | Amazonで検索 | googleで検索 | Youtube Musicで検索
登録されている30曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Shellshock, 1. Struck by Lightning, 1. Run Like Hell, 1. Blood, Guts and Beer, 1. T.W.D.A.M.O., 2. Turn Your Head Around, 2. Heavy Artillery, 2. Who Needs Love Songs?, 2. (He Fell in Love With a) Stormtrooper, 2. Don’t Walk Away, 3. Shellshock (single version), 4. Hammer On (single version), 5. Don’t Walk Away (live), 6. The Snake, 6. (He Fell in Love With a) Stormtrooper (single version), 7. Blood, Guts and Beer (live), 7. Steppin’ on a Landmine, 7. Walking Barefoot Over Glass, 8. Pure Hatred, 9. Biting and Scratching, 10. Some Came Running, ....