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Box 'o' Snakes (The Sunburst Years 1978-1982) (2011年)
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登録されている14曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Take Me With You, 1. Love to Keep You Warm, 1. Lie Down (A Modern Love Song), 1. Day Tripper, 2. Nighthawk (Vampire Blues), 2. The Time Is Right for Love, 2. Trouble, 2. Belgian Tom’s Hat Trick, 3. Free Flight, 3. Don't Mess With Me, 4. Come On (live at Hammersmith Odeon - 1978), 5. Might Just Take Your Life, 5. Lie Down, 5. Ain't No Love in the Heart of the City, 5. Trouble, 5. Mistreated, 5. Long Way from Home, 5. Walking in the Shadow of the Blues, 5. Help Me Thro’ the Day, 5. Medicine Man, 6. You 'n' Me, 6. Mean Business, 6. Love Hunter, 6. Outlaw, 7. Rock 'n' Roll Women, 7. We Wish You Well, 7. Fool for Your Loving, 7. Sweet Talker, 7. Ready an’ Willing, 7. Carry Your Load, 7. Blindman, 7. Ain't Gonna Cry No More, 7. Love Man, 7. Black and Blue, 7. She’s a Woman, 8. Come On, 8. Sweet Talker, 8. Walking in the Shadow of the Blues, 8. Love Hunter, 8. Ain't No Love in the Heart of the City, 8. Fool for Your Loving, 8. Ain't Gonna Cry No More, 8. Ready an' Willing, 8. Take Me With You, 8. Come an’ Get It, 8. Hot Stuff, 8. Don’t Break My Heart Again, 8. Lonely Days, Lonely Nights, 8. Wine, Women an’ Song, 8. Child of Babylon, 8. Would I Lie to You, 8. Girl, 8. Hit an’ Run, 8. Till the Day I Die, 8. Young Blood, 8. Rough an’ Ready, 9. Bloody Luxury, 9. Victim of Love, 9. Crying in the Rain, 9. Here I Go Again, 10. Love an' Affection, 10. Rock an’ Roll Angels, ....