
Mussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition / Liszt: from Douze études d'exécution transcendante (1992年)
1. Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade, The Gnome (0)
2. Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade, The Old Castle (0)
3. Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade, Tuileries - Bydlo (0)
4. Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade, Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks - Two Polish Jews (0)
5. Pictures at an Exhibition: The Market Place at Limoges - The Catacombs (0)
6. Pictures at an Exhibition: The Hut on Fowl's Legs - The Great Gate of Kiev (0)
7. Douze etudes d'execution transcendante: I. Prelude in C Major (0)
8. Douze etudes d'execution transcendante: II. Molto vivace in A minor (0)
9. Douze etudes d'execution transcendante: III. Paysage in F Major (0)
10. Douze etudes d'execution transcendante: V. Feux follets in B flat Major (0)
11. Douze etudes d'execution transcendante: VIII. Wilde Jagd in C minor (0)
12. Douze etudes d'execution transcendante: X. Allegro agitato molto in F minor (0)
13. Douze etudes d'execution transcendante: XI. Harmonies du soir in D flat Major (0)


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登録されている2曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade, The Gnome, 1. Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade, The Old Castle, 1. Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade, Tuileries - Bydlo, 1. Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade, Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks - Two Polish Jews, 1. Pictures at an Exhibition: The Market Place at Limoges - The Catacombs, 2. Pictures at an Exhibition: The Hut on Fowl's Legs - The Great Gate of Kiev, 2. Douze etudes d'execution transcendante: I. Prelude in C Major, 2. Douze etudes d'execution transcendante: II. Molto vivace in A minor, 2. Douze etudes d'execution transcendante: III. Paysage in F Major, 2. Douze etudes d'execution transcendante: V. Feux follets in B flat Major, 2. Douze etudes d'execution transcendante: VIII. Wilde Jagd in C minor, 2. Douze etudes d'execution transcendante: X. Allegro agitato molto in F minor, 2. Douze etudes d'execution transcendante: XI. Harmonies du soir in D flat Major




