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DETOURSに登録されている22曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 

In the Hall of the Mountain King William, 2.
How Long, 3.
The Perfectionist, 4.
Careful Where You Step, 5.
Ice Nice, 6.
Don’t Be Late, 7.
Interview, 8.
Wind Him Up, 9.
Welcome to the Zoo, 10.
Take a Chance, 11.
William’s Walkabout, 12.
The Cross, 13.
Scratching the Surface, 14.
On the Loose, 15.
The Security of Illusion, 16.
I Walk With You, 17.
Time’s Up, 18.
Heaven Can Wait, 19.
The Flyer, 20.
You’re Not Alone, ....