HIT COLLECTION 2000 (2000年)
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HIT COLLECTION 2000に登録されている18曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
She Bangs, 2.
Private Emotion, 3.
Shake Your Bon-Bon, 4.
Saint Tropez, 5.
Livin' La Vida Loca, 6.
Come to Be, 7.
The Cup of Life, 8.
You Stay With Me, 9.
Loaded, 10.
Be Careful, 11.
Spanish Eyes, 12.
Nobody Wants to Be Lonely, 13.
María, 14.
The Touch, 15.
I Count the Minutes, 16.
One Night Man, 17.
She's All I Ever Had, 18.
She Bangs [Spanish version]