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20 MOTHERSに登録されている20曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 

Wheelbarrow Man, 2.
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, 3.
Try Try Try, 4.
Stone Circles ’n’ You, 5.
Queen/Mother, 6.
I’m Your Daddy, 7.
Highway to the Sun, 8.
1995, 9.
By the Light of the Silbury Moon, 10.
Adam & Eve Hit the Road, 11.
Just Like Pooh Bear, 12.
Girl-Call, 13.
Greedhead Detector, 14.
Don’t Take Roots, 15.
Senile Get, 16.
The Lonely Guy, 17.
CryingBabiesSleeplessNights, 18.
Leli B., 19.
Road of Dreams, 20.
When I Walk Through the Land of Fear