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ÇA IRAに登録されている13曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 

The Gathering Storm, 2.
Overture, 2.
Act 1: Scene 1: A Garden in Vienna 1765, 2.
Act 1: Scene 1: Madame Antoine, Madame Antoine, 3.
Act 1: Scene 2: Kings, Sticks and Birds, 3.
Act 1: Scene 2: Honest Bird, Simple Bird, 4.
Act 1: Scene 2: I Want to Be King, 5.
Act 1: Scene 2: Let Us Break All the Shields, 6.
Act 1: Scene 3: The Grievances of the People, 7.
Act 1: Scene 4: France in Disarray, 8.
Act 1: Scene 4: To Laugh Is to Know How to Live, 8.
Act 1: Scene 4: Slavers, Landlords, Bigots at Your Door, 8.
Act 1: Scene 5: The Fall of the Bastille, 8.
Act 1: Scene 5: To Freeze in the Dead of Night, 8.
Act 1: Scene 5: So to the Streets in the Pouring Rain, 8.
Act 2: Scene 1: Dances and Marches, 8.
Act 2: Scene 1: Now Hear Ye!, 8.
Act 2: Scene 1: Flushed With Wine, 8.
Act 2: Scene 2: The Letter, 8.
Act 2: Scene 2: My Dear Cousin Bourbon of Spain, 8.
Act 2: Scene 2: The Ship of State Is All at Sea, 8.
Act 2: Scene 3: Silver, Sugar and Indigo, 8.
Act 2: Scene 3: To the Windward Isles, 8.
Act 2: Scene 4: The Papal Edict, 8.
Act 2: Scene 4: In Paris There's a Rumble Under the Ground, 9.
Act 3: Scene 1: The Fugitive King, 10.
Act 3: Scene 1: But the Marquis of Boulli Has a Trump Card Up His Sleeve, 10.
Act 3: Scene 1: To Take Your Hat Off, 11.
Act 3: Scene 1: The Echoes Never Fade From That Fusillade, 11.
Act 3: Scene 2: The Commune de Paris, 11.
Act 3: Scene 2: Vive la Commune de Paris, 12.
Act 3: Scene 2: The National Assembly Is Confused, 12.
Act 3: Scene 3: The Execution of Louis Capet, 12.
Act 3: Scene 3: Adieu Louis for You It's Over, 13.
Act 3: Scene 4: Marie Antoinette - The Last Night on Earth, 13.
Act 3: Scene 4: Adieu My Good and Tender Sister, 13.
Act 3: Scene 5: Liberty, 13.
Act 3: Scene 5: And in the Bushes Where They Survive