RHYTHM NATION 1814 (1989年)
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RHYTHM NATION 1814に登録されている18曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Interlude: Pledge, 2.
Rhythm Nation, 3.
Interlude: T.V., 4.
State of the World, 5.
Interlude: Race, 6.
The Knowledge, 6.
Interlude: Let's Dance, 7.
Miss You Much, 8.
Interlude: Come Back Interlude, 9.
Love Will Never Do (Without You), 10.
Livin' in a World (They Didn't Make), 11.
Alright, 12.
Interlude: Hey Baby, 13.
Escapade, 13.
Interlude: No Acid, 14.
Black Cat, 15.
Lonely, 16.
Come Back to Me, 17.
Someday Is Tonight, 18.
Interlude: Livin'... in Complete Darkness