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GIANT ROBOTに登録されている19曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 

Doomride, 2.
Welcome to Bucketheadland, 3.
I Come in Peace, 4.
Buckethead's Toy Store, 5.
Want Some Slaw?, 6.
Warweb, 7.
Aquabot, 8.
Binge and Grab (instrumental version), 9.
Pure Imagination, 10.
Buckethead's Chamber of Horrors, 11.
Onions Unleashed, 12.
Chicken, 13.
I Love My Parents, 14.
Buckethead's T.V. Show, 15.
Robot Transmission, 16.
Pirate's Life for Me, 17.
Post Office Buddy, 18.
Star Wars, 19.
Last Train to Bucketheadland