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Remedy Lane - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaREMEDY LANEに登録されている14曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 

Of Two Beginnings, 2.
Chapter 1: Ending Theme, 3.
Chapter 1: Fandango, 4.
Chapter 1: A Trace of Blood, 5.
Chapter 1: This Heart of Mine (I Pledge), 6.
Chapter 2: Undertow, 7.
Chapter 2: Rope Ends, 8.
Chapter 2: Chain Sling, 9.
Chapter 2: Dryad of the Woods, 10.
Chapter 3: Remedy Lane, 11.
Chapter 3: Waking Every God, 12.
Chapter 3: Second Love, 13.
Chapter 3: Beyond the Pale, 14.
Thorn Clown