CRASH! BOOM! BANG! (1994年)
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CRASH! BOOM! BANG!に登録されている16曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Harleys & Indians (Riders in the Sky), 2.
Crash! Boom! Bang!, 3.
Fireworks, 4.
Run to You, 5.
Sleeping in My Car, 6.
Vulnerable, 7.
The First Girl on the Moon, 8.
Place Your Love, 9.
I Love the Sound of Crashing Guitars, 10.
What's She Like?, 11.
Do You Wanna Go the Whole Way?, 12.
It's Almost Unreal, 13.
Lies, 14.
I'm Sorry, 15.
Love Is All (Shine Your Light on Me), 16.
Go to Sleep